Saving Records

Once your relationships are configured to retrieve records, you can save the records as well as seen in the section below.

Flat record

With a table articles:

id title
1 Sweet Baby Ray's is the best!
2 PB&J is yummy
3 I like Jellyfish

Create a record

// $serviceLocator is an instance of the main ServiceManager
$manager = $serviceLocator->get(\AutoTable\AutoTableManager::class);

$article = $manager->createNew('articles');
$article->title "I like AutoTable"

// Persist all pending changes

// See the results
$article = $articles->fetchWithId(4);

// Outputs: "I like AutoTable"
echo $artcle->title;

Make changes

// $serviceLocator is an instance of the main ServiceManager
$manager = $serviceLocator->get(\AutoTable\AutoTableManager::class);

$articles = $manager->getTable('articles');
// Get the article
$article = $articles->fetchWithId(3);

// Outputs: "I like Jellyfish"
echo $article->title

// Make changes
$article->title = "Jellyfish are gross"

// Persist all pending changes

// See the results
$article = $articles->fetchWithId(3);

// Outputs: "Jellyfish are gross"
echo $artcle->title;

Delete a Record

// $serviceLocator is an instance of the main ServiceManager
$manager = $serviceLocator->get(\AutoTable\AutoTableManager::class);

$article = $articles->fetchWithId(3);

// Delete the article

// Persist all pending changes

// $article will be null
$article = $articles->fetchWithId(3);


Create and link a record

// $serviceLocator is an instance of the main ServiceManager
$manager = $serviceLocator->get(\AutoTable\AutoTableManager::class);

$articles = $manager->getTable('articles');

// Create the comment
$comment1 = $manager->createNew('comments');
$comment1->comment = 'This is a new comment';

// Bind it to the article
$comment1->article = $articles->fetchWithId(1);
// or
$comment1->article = 1;

$comment2 = $manager->createNew('comments');
$comment2->comment = 'Comments are great';

// Bind it to the article
$comment2->article = $articles->fetchWithId(1);
// or
$comment2->article = 1;

// Persist all pending changes

// See the results
$article = $articles->fetchWithId(1);
// Outputs "This is a new comment" and "Comments are great"
foreach($article->comments as $comment) {
    echo $comment->comment;

Unlink a record

// $serviceLocator is an instance of the main ServiceManager
$manager = $serviceLocator->get(\AutoTable\AutoTableManager::class);

$comments = $manager->getTable('comments');

$comment = $comments->fetchWithId(1);
$comment->article = null;

// Persist all pending changes


With a table authors:

id name
1 Nathan Smith
2 John Doe

and another table cars:

id name
1 Tesla Model 3
2 Honda Civic
3 Ice Cream Bus
4 Tow Truck

and a mapping table author_car_map:

author_id car_id
1 3
2 4

Link a Record

// $serviceLocator is an instance of the main ServiceManager
$manager = $serviceLocator->get(\AutoTable\AutoTableManager::class);

$authors = $manager->getTable('authors');
$cars = $manager->getTable('cars');

// Get the author and desired car
$author = $authors->fetchWithId(1);
$car = $cars->fetchWithId(1);

// Give a Tesla to Nathan.


foreach($author->cars as $car) {
    // Outputs: "Ice Cream Bus" and "Tesla Model 3"
    echo $car->name;

Unlink a Record

// $serviceLocator is an instance of the main ServiceManager
$manager = $serviceLocator->get(\AutoTable\AutoTableManager::class);

$authors = $manager->getTable('authors');
$cars = $manager->getTable('cars');

// Get the author and desired car
$author = $authors->fetchWithId(1);
$car = $cars->fetchWithId(3);

// Take an Ice Cream bus away from Nathan :"( sad day.


foreach($author->cars as $car) {
    // Assuming you linked the record in the previous example above, Outputs: "Tesla Model 3"
    echo $car->name;